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April: Vidal attended the 2024 UC Chemical Symposium at Lake Arrowhead and hit the Lake Arrowhead Brewing Co. afterwards.
May: Congratulations to Vidal Lopez and Michael Olsen on receiving the Outstanding Teaching Assistant award at the UC Riverside Excellence in Teaching Banquet.
September: Harman Lab welcomes new graduate student (and former undergraduate researcher) Jessica Lee, who will be working jointly with the Julian Lab.
December: Vidal Lopez was accepted to deliver a talk at the 2025 ACS Symposium in San Diego. Michael Olsen was accepted to deliver a poster presentation.


April: Congratulations to Colomba Sanchez-Marsetti on receiving the Outstanding Teaching Assistant award at the UC Riverside Excellence in Teaching Banquet.
June: Congratulations to our undergraduate Grant Arehart on graduating with a BS in Chemistry and continuing on to his PhD program at the University of Kansas.
August: Group Member Philip Farias delivered a presentation "A Ni0 Complex of Unsymmetric Diboraanthracene Ligand" at the ACS Fall Conference in San Francisco.


May: Undergraduate Bigy Ambat delivered a presentation about his work synthesizing imidazole ligands at UCR's Undergraduate Research Symposium.


April: Harman Lab welcomes new graduate student Michael Olsen to the group.
September: Harman Lab welcomes new graduate student Vidal Lopez to the group.


January: The group received an NSF CAREER award to study small molecule activation by redox active boranes. [link]


October: A video is available highlighting our partnership with Chaffey College to provide research experiences for community college students. [link]
September: Harman Lab welcomes new graduate student Colomba Sanchez-Marsetti to the group.
August: Congrats to Jordan on his JACS paper. It has been selected as a "JACS Spotlight!" Read it here.
July: Jordan's paper in ACIE won the cover image, check it out here!


October: The lab was awarded funding by the ACS Petroleum Research Fund.
June: Hill was named a 2016 Hellman Fellow.
May: The Harman lab welcomes Martine, a visiting student from Utrecht University in Marc-Etienne Moret's lab.
March: Congrats to Pranee for being awarded the NSF GRFP!


August: The Harman lab welcomes Pranee as a new graduate student to the lab.
February: Harman Lab presents at the SoCal Organometallics Meeting at Caltech.


November: Congrats to Amy Bartrom and Andrew Patalano who passed their Second-Year Research Exam.
October: Congrats to Marissa Barrientos and Jordan Taylor who passed their Second-Year Research Exam.
July: Harman Lab welcomes new graduate student, Laura Essex to the group.
May: Harman Lab welcomes our first post-doc, Alex McSkimming to the group.


September: Harman Lab welcomes new graduate students Amy Bartrom and Andrew Patalano to the group.
August: The gloveboxes are up and running!
July 1st: Harman Lab Birthday! New graduate students, Marissa Barrientos and Jordan Taylor work hard to set up the lab.






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